Sunday, January 16, 2005

Been on the Hoe

It is decidedly a dump. And it's such a pity, because the setting is simply divine. The Americans/French - or even Exeter, would have all that concrete bulldozed (or dynamited) and replaced by trees, plants and terraced walks down the clifftop, towards the sea - it would be magic. But it's a dump and likely to remain so. I took a pic of Smeaton's Tower though - quite effective, looking directly at the Sun!

I had to go out to buy stationery bits (bought GOLD paperclips!) - and storage media so that I can transfer my U316 bits between PC and laptop. I am NOT looking forward to all the computer work on this course - and, so far today, I've been avoiding continuing with the Safari stuff. (If, by some miracle, the A174 materials arrive tomorrow, I can continue to avoid it for a lot longer ... )

I managed to figure out how to get 'links' over on the side there, so I feel more at home now. But I still think it's Monday.


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