Friday, March 25, 2005

Kyoto? What's Kyoto, Ma'am??

After Cyprus, came the USA!! We had a roleplay and I volunteered to be the representative for the US (it was either that or risk being randomised and becoming Japan). Great fun! Or I think it was!! 2 hours of incessant questionning, but we stood tall!

"George chose me because of my unflappability"!!

Anyway, after that, it was time to settle down to get that TMA01 sorted. There was stuff on the AOSIS meeting to do, a fair bit on Antarctica's climate, including several graphs - and another question on the Antarctic Treaty, which was especially tricky. But I've sent it, and am looking forward to its return, as then I'll know whether or not I'm on the right track, for sure as heck I really am not at all sure ....

Now it's on with the biodiversity block. But (guess what) we can't go too far as there is another tutor group discussion which needs to be done before we can continue!! We do have the 2nd TMA though - and that one includes a website on sustainability, which promises to be more enjoyable than the Vostok graphs!


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